c# - applying unit of work in a generic repository -

i'm learning on doing repository unit of work. know how di/ioc. problem can't figure out apply unit of work in code. below generic repository.

public abstract class repository<t, c> : //idisposable,         irepository<t> t : class         c : dbcontext, new()      {         private c entities = new c();          public c context          {                         {                 return this.entities;             }             set             {                 this.entities = value;             }         }         public virtual void insert(t entity)        {          this.entities.set<t>().add(entity);        }         // remove code brevity     } 

what had tried far:

  1. make unit of work class

    public class unitofwork : iunitofwork {   private readonly foocontext _dbcontext;   public unitofwork()   {     _dbcontext = new datacontext;   }    public void save()   {     _dbcontext.savechanges();    }    // dispose method } 

in service:

public class productservice : repository<product, foocontext>, iproductservice {   private readonly iproductrepository _prodrepo;   private readonly iunitofwork _uow;   public productservice(iunitofwork uow, iproductrepository prodrepo)   {     _uow = uow;     _prodrepo = prodrepo;   }    public override void insert(item entity)   {     base.insert(entity);     save();   }    public void save()   {     uow.save();   }    // remove code brevity } 

there's no error when build it. , when try apply in controller doesn't give me error. when try run , debug it, in intellitrace, doesn't give me insert statement , again, not give me error.. have gone wrong?

any appreciated. thanks!

we saw should separate service repository.

here, problem seems come fact use 2 different dbcontext instances. 1 in repository , 1 in unitofwork.

instead, should inject same dbcontext instance in repository , unitofwork.

edit: should write different layers this:

public class productservice {     private readonly iproductrepository productrepository;      private readonly iunitofwork unitofwork;      public productservice(iproductrepository productrepository, iunitofwork unitofwork)     {         this.productrepository = productrepository;         this.unitofwork = unitofwork;     }      public ienumerable<product> getcurrentproductsonorderforcustomer(int customerid)     {         // etc.     } } 

the controller layer should this:

public class productcontroller : controller {      private readonly iproductservice prodservice;       public productcontroller(iproductservice prodservice)      {          this.prodservice = prodservice;      } } 

here corrected unitofwork:

public class unitofwork : iunitofwork {     private readonly idbcontext _dbcontext;      public unitofwork(idbcontext dbcontext)     {         _dbcontext = dbcontext;     }      public void save()     {         _dbcontext.savechanges();     }      // dispose method } 

here example of repository

public class productrepository {     private readonly idbcontext _context;      public productrepository(idbcontext dbcontext)     {         this._context = context;     }          public virtual void insert(t entity)     {         this._context.products.add(entity);     }         // remove code brevity } 

and create context class inherits dbcontext, , inject in uow , repos.

public class myapplicationcontext : dbcontext {     public myapplicationcontext(string connectionstring)     {         // configure context want here     }      public dbset<product> products { get; set; } } 


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