pyopengl - Is it possible to use together pyggel and GLUT libraries -

i'm new pyopengl , i'm working on code based on pyggel library, i'd add features glut (menu & text) , i'm not sure how should join both (if possible).

in glut, running glutmainloop() required, on other hand have run() routine:

def run(self):

   while 1:        self.clock.tick(60)        self.getinput()        self.processinput()        pyggel.view.clear_screen()             self.mouse_over_object = self.scene.render(        pyggel.view.refresh_screen()        #glutmainloop() 

putting glut routine inside run() doesn't work (it crashes when gets glutmainloop). so, how can join both loops? can i? i'm guessing that's need make both things work.

thanks in advance!

you not going find easy do. pyggel based on pygame gui framework, while glut own gui framework. may able text-rendering working, under covers glut doing regular opengl that, menus not going work under pyggel.

pyggel has both text-rendering , gui framework includes menus, frames, buttons, labels, etc. want use if you're using pyggel in project there example of gui usage here:


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