php - How to execute the nord cms yii framework? -

hi have integrated yii nord cms.. here code


'import'=>array(     'application.models.*',     'application.components.*',     'application.modules.cms.cmsmodule',     'application.controllers.*',         ),    'modules'=>array( 'cms',    ),    'components'=>array(     'urlmanager'=>array(      'rules'=>array(          'page/<name>-<id:\d+>.html'=>'cms/node/page', // clean urls pages     ),         ),  'cms'=>array(     'class'=>'cms.components.cms', ), 

in site controller have wriiten code this

 public function actionindex()     {          $this->widget('cms.widgets.cmsblock',array('name'=>'bar'));         $this->render('index',array('model'=>$model));                  } 

i dont know how run nordcms. have got empty output. please me

you should put widget in view file, in case, index.php view file found in views/site/index.php.


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