vba - Bloomberg API: How to check wether connection works? -

i implementing tool relies on bloombergs blpapilib2, bloomberg api com lib 3.5.

before giving user access refresh-data functionality, want make sure connection works. approach far:

  1. check wether library available , linked. loop through references job.

  2. open connection session.start() . hoping error here, won't give me one. thus, step 3.

  3. request data , verify (make sure not empty)

surporisingly, cannot reliably reproduce getting empty result. expected session relies on user being looged terminal. seems wrong; if log out, request handled , return correct data.

i can imagine 2 scenarios:

  • some background caching in bbcom-server

  • an alternative authentication method used

i have 2 questions:

q1. best way make sure user able download data?

q2. how can verify whether connection has been established , user authenticated?


to "cut" connection, need log out , log in on different machine. if log out feed still available using api.

this how test connection - think works well. have bloombergwrapper class handles low level stuff of communicating api , has following functions:

private psession blpapicomlib2.session private pservice blpapicomlib2.service  private sub class_initialize()    dim locstatusbar variant   dim locbbresult variant    on error goto error_handler    if application.statusbar = false locstatusbar = false else locstatusbar = application.statusbar   application.statusbar = "connecting bloomberg..."    set psession = new blpapicomlib2.session   psession.start    psession.openservice ("//blp/refdata")   set pservice = psession.getservice("//blp/refdata")    application.statusbar = locstatusbar   exit sub  error_handler:   if instr(err.description, "timeout")     call msgbox("a bloomberg timeout has occured. make sure logged on terminal.", vbcritical + vbokonly, "bloomberg error...")   end if   if locstatusbar <> "" application.statusbar = locstatusbar  end sub  private sub class_terminate()   psession.stop   set psession = nothing end sub 


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