javascript - Video not resuming/Jumping in time not working -

another question video-coding.

so have been trying work videos in webapplication, has been far. here's problem, video i'm playing local file. whenever pause video or jump specific time, video player disables itself. works when hit 'play' again, causes video 'reload'. when hit 'play' once more, video starts again beginning.

this annoying , have no idea causing behave that. chrome, because firefox not bug in way, resuming works , on.

the code below simple video-player html5

        <style type="text/css">             .easyhtml5video span {                 display: none;             }         </style>         <div class="easyhtml5video" style="position: relative; max-width: 854px; max-height: 510px;">             <video controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" runat="server" id="video" preload="none" style="width: 100%">                 <source runat="server" id="mp4" type="video/mp4" />                 <source runat="server" id="webm" type="video/webm" />             </video>         </div>         <script src="vidsrc/html5video/html5ext.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

the script-code:

(function () { function j(t, s, i) {     if (t.addeventlistener) {         t.addeventlistener(s, i, false)     } else {         t.attachevent("on" + s, i)     } }  function r(t, s, i) {     if (t.removeeventlistener) {         t.removeeventlistener(s, i)     } else {         t.detachevent("on" + s, i)     } }  function o(u, t) {     if (!u.length) {         u = [u]     }     (var v in t) {         (var s = 0; s < u.length; s++) {             u[s].style[v] = t[v]         }     } }  function m(t, v) {     v = v || document;     if (document.getelementsbyclassname) {         return v.getelementsbyclassname(t)     }     var w = v.getelementsbytagname("*"),         s = [];     (var u = 0; u < w.length; u++) {         if ((new regexp("(^|\\s+)" + t + "(\\s+|$)", "g")).test(w[u].classname)) {             s.push(w[u]);             break         }     }     return s } var h = 0,     n = ""; if (typeof document.cancelfullscreen != "undefined") {     h = true } else {     var e = "webkit moz o ms khtml".split(" ");     (var f = 0, l = e.length; f < l; f++) {         n = e[f];         if (typeof document[n + "cancelfullscreen"] != "undefined") {             h = true;             break         }     } }  function g(i) {     if (h) {         switch (n) {         case "":             return document.fullscreen;         case "webkit":             return document.webkitisfullscreen;         default:             return document[n + "fullscreen"]         }     } else {         return !!i.eh5v     } } var k = 0;  function c(i) {     if (h) {         return (n === "") ? i.requestfullscreen() : i[n + "requestfullscreen"]()     } else {         if (!i) {             return         }         if (k) {             d(k)         }         var t = {             position: "fixed",             left: 0,             top: 0,             right: "auto",             bottom: "auto",             width: window.innerwidth + "px",             height: window.innerheight + "px",             backgroundcolor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)",             border: "none",             zindex: 9999999         };         i.eh5v = {};         (var s in t) {             i.eh5v[s] =[s]         }         (var s in t) {   [s] = t[s]         }         j(document.body, "keydown", p);         k =     } }  function d(i) {     if (h) {         return (n === "") ? document.cancelfullscreen() : document[n + "cancelfullscreen"]()     } else {         if (!i) {             return         }         (var s in i.eh5v) {   [s] = i.eh5v[s]         }         i.eh5v = 0;         r(document.body, "keydown", p);         k = 0     } }  function p(i) {     if (i.keycode == 27) {         d(k)     } } var q;  function a(t, h) {     var u = t.getelementsbytagname("video")[0];     if (u) {         if (/(ipad|iphone|ipod)/ig.test(navigator.useragent)) {             var = new image();    = "hidden";             a.src = u.poster;             t.appendchild(a);    = "absolute";    = "100%"         }         if (u.eh5v) {             return         }         u.eh5v = {             fullscreen: function (i) {                 if (i) {                     c(u)                 } else {                     if (g(u)) {                         d(u)                     }                 }                 return g(u)             }         };         var b;         if (!h.nofs && u.getattribute("controls") && (window.opera || /msie/.test(navigator.useragent) || navigator.mozvibrate)) {             var g = /(.*\/)[^\/]+/.exec(u.poster)[1] + "fullscreen.png";             if (!q) {                 q = new image();                 q.src = g             }             b = document.createelement("div");             o(b, {                 position: "absolute",                 zindex: 10,                 display: "none",                 right: "0px",                 top: "0px",                 width: "28px",                 height: "28px",                 background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.50) url("' + g + '") 50% 50% no-repeat',                 border: "none"             });             u.parentnode.appendchild(b);              function c() {        = "none"             }             j(u, "mouseover", function () {        = "block"             });             j(u, "mouseout", function () {                 c()             });             j(b, "mouseover", function () {        = "block"             });             j(b, "click", function () {                 c(u);                 c()             })         }         j(u, "dblclick", function () {             if (g(u)) {                 d(u)             } else {                 c(u)             } if (b) {                 settimeout(c, 100)             }         });         if (!u.getattribute("loop")) {             j(u, "ended", function () {                 settimeout(function () {                     u.load();                     u.pause()                 }, 400)             })         }         if (/android/.test(navigator.useragent)) {             var w = u.getelementsbytagname("source"),                 d;             (var z = w.length - 1; z >= 0; z--) {                 if (!w[z].type) {                     d = w[z].src                 } else {                     if (d && /mp4/.test(w[z].type)) {                         w[z].src = d;                         u.load()                     }                 }             }         }         var x = document.createelement("ul"),             f = {                 pause: {                     label: "pause",                     click: function () {                         u.pause()                     }                 },                 play: {                     label: "play",                     click: function () {                                    }                 },                 mute: {                     label: "mute",                     click: function () {                         u.muted = true                     }                 },                 unmute: {                     label: "unmute",                     click: function () {                         u.muted = false                     }                 }             };         o(x, {             position: "fixed",             display: "none",             liststyletype: "none",             margin: "0px",             padding: "0px",             background: "#fff",             cursor: "pointer",             zindex: 2147483647,             webkitboxshadow: "2px 2px 10px #313131",             mozboxshadow: "2px 2px 10px #313131",             boxshadow: "2px 2px 10px #313131"         });         j(x, "contextmenu", function (i) {             i.preventdefault()         });          function y() {    = "none"         }         j(x, "click", y);         j(window, "scroll", y);         j(document, "click", y);         j(document, "contextmenu", y);         (var v in f) {             var s = document.createelement("li");             o(s, {                 margin: "0px",                 padding: "3px 20px"             });             s.innerhtml = f[v].label;             x.appendchild(s);             j(s, "click", f[v].click);             j(s, "mouseover", function () {                 o(this, {                     backgroundcolor: "#4281f4",                     color: "#fff"                 })             });             j(s, "mouseleave", function () {                 o(this, {                     backgroundcolor: "transparent",                     color: "#000"                 })             });             f[v].item = s         }         t.appendchild(x);         j(u, "contextmenu", function (i) {             o(x, {                 left: i.pagex + "px",                 top: i.pagey + "px",                 display: "block"             });             i.preventdefault();             i.stoppropagation()         });          function e() {    = u.muted ? "block" : "none";    = u.muted ? "none" : "block";    = u.paused ? "block" : "none";    = u.paused ? "none" : "block"         }         j(window, "load", e);         j(u, "pause", e);         j(u, "play", e);         j(u, "volumechange", e)     } } var b = m("easyhtml5video"); (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {     a(b[f], {         nofs: 0     }) } })(); 

this script delivered html5 video converter. don't understand script, yeah.

my question is: how make sure video resumes , when jump specific time, video goes timestamp?

be warned, i'm newbie when comes programming , videos. have no experience @ ...


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