java parsing soap response with optional nodes -

i need parse soap reponse can have optional nodes. structure this:

queryinvoiceresponse      invoicelist        invoice - optional, unbounded; type invoice           consignee - optional; type consignee               address type string               name type string               tin type string           consignor - optional; type consignor               address type string               name type string               tin type string           customerjoopparticipants - optional;               joopparticipant - optional, unbounded; type joopparticipants                   productshares                       share - unbounded; type productshare                           productnumber - required; type int                           quantity type decimal                     tin - required; type string           customers               customer - unbounded; type customer                   statuses - optional;                       status - optional, unbounded; type customertype - type string restriction - enum { 'committent', 'broker', 'lessee', 'joint_activity_participant', 'public_office', 'nonresident', 'individual' }                   address type string                   certificatenum type string                   certificateseries type string                   name type string                   tin type string                   trailer type string           deliveryterm - optional; type deliveryterm                   contractdate type string                   contractnum type string                   destination type string                   exerciseway type string                   term type string                   warrant type string                   warrantdate type string           draftid - optional; type long           products type productset               product - unbounded; type product                   additional type string                   applicationnumberincustomsunion type string                   description - required; type string                   exciseamount type decimal                   exciserate type decimal                   ndsamount - required; type decimal                   ndsrate type int                   pricewithtax - required; type decimal                   pricewithouttax - required; type decimal                   quantity type decimal                   turnoversize - required; type decimal                   unitcode type string                   unitnomenclature type string                   unitprice type decimal                currencycode - required; type string                currencyrate type decimal                totalexciseamount - required; type decimal                totalndsamount - required; type decimal                totalpricewithtax - required; type decimal                totalpricewithouttax - required; type decimal                totalturnoversize - required; type decimal           publicoffice - optional; type publicoffice                bik type string                iik - required; type string                paypurpose - required; type string                productcode type string           relatedinvoice - optional; type relatedinvoice                date - required; type string                num - required; type string           sellerjoopparticipants - optional;                joopparticipant - optional, unbounded; type joopparticipants                    productshares                        share - unbounded; type productshare                           productnumber - required; type int                           quantity type decimal                  tin - required; type string           sellers                seller - unbounded; type seller                    statuses - optional;                        status - optional, unbounded; type sellertype - type string restriction - enum { 'committent', 'broker', 'forwarder', 'lessor', 'joint_activity_participant', 'exporter' }                    address type string                    bank type string                    bik type string                    certificatenum type string                    certificateseries type string                    deliverydocdate type string                    deliverydocnum type string                    iik type string                    kbe type string                    name type string                    tin - required; type string                    trailer type string           signature type string        addinf type string        cancelreason type string        certificate type string        date - required; type string        deliverydate type datetime        id type long        inputdate type datetime        invoicetype - required; type invoicetype - type string restriction - enum { 'ordinary_invoice', 'fixed_invoice', 'additional' }        registrationnumber type string        lastupdatedate type datetime        num - required; type string        operatorfullname - required; type string        signaturetype - required; type signaturetype - type string restriction - enum { 'company', 'operator' }        signaturevalid type boolean        state type invoicestatetype - type string restriction - enum { 'accepted', 'declined' }        status type invoicestatustype - type string restriction - enum { 'created', 'delivered', 'canceled', 'revoked', 'imported', 'draft', 'failed', 'deleted' }        turnoverdate - required; type string  currpage - required; type int  lastblock - required; type boolean  rscount - required; type int 

as u can see has optinal nodes. use code parse when need 1 node's value, attributes:

 public static string getsessionid(document docu){      string sessionid = null;      try {          documentbuilderfactory dbfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();         documentbuilder dbuilder = dbfactory.newdocumentbuilder();         document doc = docu;          //optional, recommended         //read -         doc.getdocumentelement().normalize();          //system.out.println("root element :" + doc.getdocumentelement().getnodename());          nodelist nlist = doc.getelementsbytagname("ns2:createsessionresponse");         // system.out.println("----------------------------");          (int temp = 0; temp < nlist.getlength(); temp++) {                  node nnode = nlist.item(temp);                  //system.out.println("\ncurrent element :" + nnode.getnodename());                  if (nnode.getnodetype() == node.element_node) {                          element eelement = (element) nnode;                         // system.out.println("sessionid is: " + eelement.getelementsbytagname("sessionid").item(0).gettextcontent());                         sessionid = eelement.getelementsbytagname("sessionid").item(0).gettextcontent();                 }         }      } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();      }     return sessionid;  } 

how parse soap response has optional nodes can or cant in soap response?


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