android - Authenticator response code 400 -

i tried hitting server using httpsurlconnection, got response code 401 - need authenticate. tried following:

            authenticator.setdefault (new authenticator() {                 protected passwordauthentication getpasswordauthentication() {                     return new passwordauthentication ("myuser", "!mypassword".tochararray());                 }             }); 

got response code 400 - bad request.

based on stackoverflow research tried using:

        string authorizationstring = "basic " + base64.encodetostring(("username" + ":" + "password").getbytes(), base64.default);         conn.setrequestproperty("authorization", authorizationstring); 

same problem, code 400. i'm trusting hosts using @chrispix method in post: trust anchor not found android ssl connection not sure if interfering somehow, prototype , site certificate isn't valid, needed bypass check.

the connection set these properties, not sure if there wrong or missing:

        httpsurlconnection conn = (httpsurlconnection) url.openconnection();         conn.setreadtimeout(10000 /* milliseconds */);         conn.setconnecttimeout(15000 /* milliseconds */);         conn.addrequestproperty("content-type", "application/json");         conn.setrequestmethod("post");         conn.setdoinput(true); 


how using httpclient ?

httpclient httpclient= new defaulthttpclient(); httpget httpget= new httpget(yoururl); string authstring = (yourusername+":"+yourpassword); httpget.addheader("authorization", "basic " +      base64.encodetostring(authstring.getbytes(),base64.default)); httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget); 

seems wanna by-pass cert checking currently, related link may you

trusting certificates using httpclient on https


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