How to add another table and insert values in existing SQLite Database in Android? -

i want add table in existing sqlite database android application. have created 1 table "dailytips" , want add table "healthytips". have tried different ways didn't succeed , done google search every code different mine. please 1 me in this.

here code:

 package;   import android.content.contentvalues;  import android.content.context;  import android.database.cursor;  import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase;  import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper;  import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase.cursorfactory;   public class sqliteadapter {   public static final int database_version = 2;  public static final string database_name = "healthdb";   public static final string table_daily = "dailytips";  public static final string column_id = "_id";  public static final string column_tips = "tips";   public static final string table_health="healthytips";  public static final string column_h_id = "_id";  public static final string column_h_tips = "tips";   //create table table_daily (id integer primary key, tips text not null);  private static final string create_table_dailys =  "create table " + table_daily + " ("  + column_id + " integer primary key autoincrement, "  + column_tips + " text not null);";   //create table table_healthy (id integer primary key, tips text not null);  private static final string create_table_health=  "create table " + table_health + " ("  + column_h_id + " integer primary key autoincrement, "  + column_h_tips + " text not null);";   private sqlitehelper sqlitehelper;  private sqlitedatabase sqlitedatabase;   private context context;   public sqliteadapter(context c){  context = c;   }   public sqliteadapter opentoread() throws android.database.sqlexception {  sqlitehelper = new sqlitehelper(context, database_name, null, database_version); sqlitedatabase = sqlitehelper.getreadabledatabase(); return this;  }   public sqliteadapter opentowrite() throws android.database.sqlexception {  sqlitehelper = new sqlitehelper(context, database_name, null, database_version);  sqlitedatabase = sqlitehelper.getwritabledatabase();  return this;  }   public void close(){  sqlitehelper.close();  }   public long insert(string tips){   contentvalues contentvalues = new contentvalues();  contentvalues.put(column_tips, tips);  return sqlitedatabase.insert(table_daily, null, contentvalues);  }   public int deleteall(){  return sqlitedatabase.delete(table_daily, null, null);  }   public cursor queueall(){  string[] columns = new string[]{column_id, column_tips};  cursor cursor = sqlitedatabase.query(table_daily, columns,    null, null, null, null, null);  return cursor;  }   public class sqlitehelper extends sqliteopenhelper {   public sqlitehelper(context context, string name,  cursorfactory factory, int version) {  super(context, name, factory, version);   }   @override  public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {  // todo auto-generated method stub  db.execsql(create_table_dailys);  db.execsql(create_table_health);   }   @override  public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {   // todo auto-generated method stub   }  }} 

in oncreate() method,

    db.execsql(create_database_table_1);     db.execsql(create_database_table_2); 

update in program.

  @override   public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {       // todo auto-generated method stub       // drop older table if existed          db.execsql("drop table if exists database_table_1");         db.execsql("drop table if exists database_table_2");        // create tables again       oncreate(db);      } 

note: need clear database before run application.


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