primefaces fileupload doesn't work in ie8 -

the problem occurs in ie8, after click upload button hangs , progress bar doesn't go away, works fine in firefox. i'm using primefaces 4.0 , jsf 2.0

<p:fileupload id="getcompelementcomponentid" label="browse"                                                                                                            fileuploadlistener="#{applicationaction.addupload}"                                                                                                             mode="advanced" dragdropsupport="false" multiple="true" sizelimit="52489260" filelimit="30"                                                                                                                 allowtypes="/(\.|\/)(jpg|doc|docx|txt|xls|xlsx|pdf|gif|rtf)$/"> </p:fileupload> 

thanks, appreciated

this post can provide information on problem here

turning on multiple=true known cause problem in browsers , ie 1 of them. turning of multiple=false works perfect in ie 8. see below code

<p:fileupload mode="advanced" multiple="false" auto="true" id="object__attachment__location"          fileuploadlistener="#{filehandlingmanagedbean.upload}" immediate="true"          label="browse &amp; upload" required="true" requiredmessage="#{dictionary['common.attachmentnotfound']}"          allowtypes="/(\.|\/)(doc|docx|xls|jpg|msg|csv|pps|ppt|xml|mng|bmp|gif|jpeg|txt|pdf|midi|wma|css|zip|rar|rtf|png)$/"          invalidfilemessage="please attach valid file"          widgetvar="object__attachment__location_widgetvar" > </p:fileupload> 

but if need upload multiple file need handle custom implementation.

hope helps!


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