Setting connection timeout in RestEASY -

jboss tells us

that set timeout resteasy clientrequest must create custom clientexecutor, call deprecated static methods on connmanagerparams. seems rather hokey. there better way? resteasy 2.3.6.

here clean working solution :-)

@singleton public class resteasyconfig {      @inject     @myconfig     private integer httpclientmaxconnectionsperroute;      @inject     @myconfig     private integer httpclienttimeoutmillis;      @inject     @myconfig     private integer httpclientmaxtotalconnections;      @produces     private clientexecutor clientexecutor;      @postconstruct     public void createexecutor() {         final basichttpparams params = new basichttpparams();         httpconnectionparams.setconnectiontimeout(params, this.httpclienttimeoutmillis);          final schemeregistry schemeregistry = new schemeregistry();         schemeregistry.register(new scheme("http", 80, plainsocketfactory.getsocketfactory()));          final threadsafeclientconnmanager connmanager = new threadsafeclientconnmanager(schemeregistry);         connmanager.setdefaultmaxperroute(this.httpclientmaxconnectionsperroute);         connmanager.setmaxtotal(this.httpclientmaxtotalconnections);          final httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient(connmanager, params);          this.clientexecutor = new apachehttpclient4executor(httpclient);     }  } 


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