angularjs - Uncaught Object when minifying simple Angular app with Grunt -

i have simple angular app defined so:


<body ng-app="waapp">     <div ng-controller="indexcontroller">         <h3>{[ test ]}</h3>     </div> </body> 


(function() {    var waapp = angular.module('waapp', [], function($interpolateprovider) {     $interpolateprovider.startsymbol('{[');     $interpolateprovider.endsymbol(']}');   });  })(); 


(function() {    var waapp = angular.module('waapp');    waapp.controller('indexcontroller', ['$scope', function($scope) {     $scope.test = 'angular works, , grunt too.';   }]);  })(); 

as can see, prepare variable mangling during minification using angular's array syntax while defining controller's dependencies.

yet when concatenate these files , minify them using grunt, so:


module.exports = function(grunt) {   grunt.initconfig({     pkg: grunt.file.readjson('package.json'),      concat: {       options: {         banner: '/*! <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' +                 '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %> */\n'       },       dist: {         src: ['src/browser/js/*.js', 'src/browser/js/**/*.js'],         dest: 'src/browser/public/js/app.js'       }     },      uglify: {       options: {         banner: '/*! <%= %> <%="dd-mm-yyyy") %> */\n',         sourcemap: true,         preservecomments: false,         mangle: {           except: ['angular']         }       },       dist: {         files: {           'src/browser/public/js/app.min.js': ['<%= concat.dist.dest %>']         }       }     }    });    grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-concat');   grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');    grunt.registertask('default', ['concat', 'uglify']); }; 

i following error in chrome's debugger console:

uncaught object head.js:18 (anonymous function) head.js:18 (anonymous function) head.js:46 q head.js:19 e head.js:45 ec head.js:48 c head.js:30 dc head.js:30 wc head.js:29 (anonymous function) head.js:223 head.js:156 (anonymous function) head.js:43 q head.js:19 c 

head.js separate javascript file store angular.min.js (from official source). when don't minify concatenated javascript, don't error.

for completeness, following concatenated , minified concatenated javascript files:

app.js (works)

/*! whataddress - v0.0.1-1 - 2014-06-26 */ (function() {    var waapp = angular.module('waapp', [], function($interpolateprovider) {     $interpolateprovider.startsymbol('{[');     $interpolateprovider.endsymbol(']}');   });  })(); (function() {    var waapp = angular.module('waapp');    waapp.controller('indexcontroller', ['$scope', function($scope) {     $scope.test = 'angular works, , grunt too.';   }]);  })(); 

app.min.js (results in error)

/*! whataddress 26-06-2014 */  !function(){angular.module("waapp",[],function(a){a.startsymbol("{["),a.endsymbol("]}")})}(),function(){var a=angular.module("waapp");a.controller("indexcontroller",["$scope",function(a){a.test="angular works, , grunt too."}])}(); //# 

why happen though used angular's array syntax defining controller dependencies prior minification?

one error spot in app.js file don't seem prevent variable mangling $interpolateprovider. in app.min.js minified a angularjs knows nothing.

this might problem.

there grunt-ngmin plugin variable mangling automatically you. convenient.

i know using yeoman angular generator. generator provides useful gruntfile.js shows usage of grunt-ngmin.


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