
Featured post mvc 4 - Bootstrap a value on two lines -

with code have menu (i should have 5 entries) in example have 3 menu, , on right want have email address of client + log off, problem email + log off on 2 lines, want on 1 line how it's possible have on 1 line thanks <body id="page-top" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top"> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header page-scroll"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-ex1-collapse"> <span class="sr-only">toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span>

javascript - Give Entire D3 Map Event Listener -

i have map of featured cities plotted. states , cities have own click events. clicking state zooms state , displays more cities within state. when clicking city plots new city , draws path new city while zooming bring 2 cities in view. while being zoomed 2 cities able click anywhere on map have reset. able without removing , restoring existing click events if possible. anyone know way put invisible layer on whole svg it's own click event? add <rect> element covers whole map. if make fill="none" invisible. add click event handler reset function when <rect> clicked on. you can manipulate pointer-events property make catch or not catch events. setting pointer-events="all" make catch events while pointer-events="none" make pass through events. switch attribute around depending on whether map zoomed or not.

css - there is a white margin on the right side of my site -

there other questions regarding issue. however, each 1 seems have individual answer, because answers found not work. just scroll right on site , see white space through site: not nice! any ideas? have tried following: body{width:100%;} body{margins:0 0 0 0;} thanks! the offending line in style.css: .post ol, .post ul { margin:0 0 30px 20px; padding:0;} it adding margin ol , ul within main body section. if remove it, white space disappear. i'm not sure if needed somewhere else on site.

html - Float 5 Different Size Boxes In Order And Make Fill Wrapper With CSS -

i'm trying float 5 boxes in specific order, shown in first diagram. boxes same size except 1 same height 2 boxes + space between them (but seems killer): key points here are: a: each of 5 'boxes' div element, , crucially has border drawn css (we'll shortly see causes issues padding/margins) b: red circle 1 - image 3 cannot exact correct height still need bottom border of box 3 in line bottom border of box 2 my html is: <div class="hpcategorypagewrapper"> <div class="hpcategorytopwrapper"> <div class="hpcategorytopleftwrapper"> <div class="hpcategory"> <h1 class="hpcategory">title one</h1> <h3 class="hpcategory">subtitle one<br /><img src="/image1.jpg" /></h3> </div> <div class="hpcategoryspacer"> </div> <

Looped If/Then Functions in Excel VBA -

i'm starting learn excel vba , i'm running problems particular exercise. given column of 20 randomly generated integers between 0 , 100 in column, want write vba program writes in column next "pass" if number greater or equal 50 , "fail" if number less 50. my approach involved using looping function = 1 20 if statement each cell (i,1) write pass or fail in (i,2). sub commandbutton1_click() 'declare variables dim score integer, result string, integer 'setup loop function, if/then function = 1 20 score = sheet1.cells(i, 1).value if score >= 60 result = "pass" sheet1.cells(i, 2).value = result next end if end sub could insight i'm doing wrong? thanks in advance! try this... sub commandbutton1_click() 'declare variables dim score integer, result string, integer 'setup loop function, if/then function = 1 20 score = sheets("sheet1").cells(i, 1).value if score >= 60

windows - Output All SQLite3 Database Tables in Command Line Shell -

i trying use sqlite3 command line shell application print out tables in database. my problem: when type command .tables nothing gets print out? unsure connecting/opening database because application doesn't print out status such 'opened db' or anything. one thing know sure database file exists , contains tables , rows. know because c# application updating , querying db fine. below commands. how can print out databases tables? doing wrong? full size picture your .open created database somewhere else. use command prompt, , run instead: sqlite3.exe "full_filename_of_your_db_file" this works me. -- edit: alternatively, .open single quote can job .open 'full_filename'

How can I calculate the mode of a floating point array in Ruby? -

i have array of floating point data, pick out probable value. called "mode" in descriptive statistics. how can calculate in ruby, or of gem. [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1] .group_by{|e| e}.max_by{|k, v| v.length}.first # => 0.1